Sunday, December 18, 2011

End of year update (2011)

Sheesh-- I can't believe it's been since September since I've updated this blog. We've clearly been super busy with fall fun, Thanksgiving, my birthday and now -- CHRISTMAS IN ONE WEEK! Since I don't have enough time or energy to write out a detailed blog of our every move-- I am going to list a bunch of words that JJ says that are just so darn adorable. I wish he would talk like this forever, but I know that just can't and should NOT happen :)

Dadia = Daddy
Mamia = Mommy
Ohwhattaboy = Grandmom (Rita)
Mimi = Grammy (Jan)
Mock = Uncle Mark
GoooooooooooogE = Gobi
Ba = Bella
Juice - JewCK

I think pretty much all of the other words he says are pretty clear for his age -- but the ones I just listed are just so darn cute.

JJ is truly his own person, with his own personality and his own likes and dislikes. He LOVES trains. Obsessed. He loves going to the library, swimming with Mommy at the Y, grocery shopping, going to the mall (paradise of fun, anyone?), playing with his friends, cousins and family. His current phase is the: I want Mommy every second of the day phase. He is starting to pay attention to TV now and loves Caillou and Barney. I only put on Sprout for him and will keep it that way for a long time. His current crushes are: Abbey from Sesame Street and Dawn's daughter, Julia. He is still taking a super long nap in the afternoon (anywhere from 3-4 hours, sometimes longer where we need to wake him up). His current dislikes: getting his teeth brushed and diaper changes. New trends: Likes to drink hot tea (chamomile) and dark chocolate. He is super smart and bright-- already recognizing colors, numbers, shapes and letters. I'm thinking he may skip grade school and high school all together and just enter college. There is so much about this kid and I REALLY could write about him for days, but sadly, "ni night" time is approaching, so Mommy needs to go.

I'm not sure if I'll be able to update before the end of 2011, but I WILL post pics of JJ's second Christmas. AND his last Christmas of it just being him before his little sister comes in March.


Jonathan, Lauren and JJ Fitch

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