Some day you will read this blog/electronic journal and there is something I want you to know (although I am sure you know this by now). Your Grandmom loves you so much. She loves you more than anyone else in this entire world. Right now you are only a little over 3 months old and your Grandmom has done so much for you. From painting and decorating your nursery, to putting your crib together, to buying you 90% of your clothes, but most importantly, loving you as much as Mommy and Daddy do. One day you will be a parent and experience the immense love for your child(ren), but I want you to know that she loves you just as though you were her own child.
I always have known how lucky I am to have the most selfless, giving, and loving mother in the entire world; and now you have her as your Grandmom. I am pretty sure these pictures say it all.

so sweet!!!