Even Mommy joined in for the fun...
Saturday, July 31, 2010
We got ourselves a swinger!
Jonathan and I took little J to a park/playground a few minutes down the road and had him test out the swing. He really liked it! He looked like a little butterball in there.
Monday, July 26, 2010
What's new?
Well, what's new with JJ you may ask? Here are a few things he is doing:
He has discovered his feet and LOVES to pull on them.
He screams. Really. LOUD. Thanks, Mom.
He can hold on to his toys and pass over to the other hand.
His hair is growing in like crazy this week.
He is still showing signs of teething, but no teeth just yet.
He loves to smile and talk.
He can now be put on his tummy and lift up his head without getting angry (YAY!)
He is now noticing the cats and watches them with a very curious look on his face.
I'm sure there is more, but that is all I can think of right now.
He has discovered his feet and LOVES to pull on them.
He screams. Really. LOUD. Thanks, Mom.
He can hold on to his toys and pass over to the other hand.
His hair is growing in like crazy this week.
He is still showing signs of teething, but no teeth just yet.
He loves to smile and talk.
He can now be put on his tummy and lift up his head without getting angry (YAY!)
He is now noticing the cats and watches them with a very curious look on his face.
I'm sure there is more, but that is all I can think of right now.
Beach bum!
JJ has had a very busy July. We spent two consecutive weeks at the beach. First with Grammy Fitch in Bethany Beach, DE and then with Grandmom and Pop in Wildwood, NJ. Grandmom got JJ a really cool UV protected beach tent which we used on his first trip to the beach. Because it was so hot we didn't stay too long, but if he is anything like his Mama, he will LOVE the beach. If he is anything like his Daddy, he will NOT love the beach. Only time will tell. We spent the week in Bethany Beach hanging out at the house, going for strolls to the downtown area and pretty much just relaxed. We took the ferry from Bethany to Wildwood and that was pretty exciting. JJ was pretty intrigued by the water and he loved the vibration and movement of the ferry. Wildwood was very exciting for JJ because he went into the pool for the very first time! The first time he went in we were at my Aunt Bern's pool at the Mali Kai. In her pool I just sat in the baby pool with him where he just chilled out as I held him. No fussing or crying at all, he just laid back and enjoyed the water. The second time my Mom and I took him in our pool at Champagne Island where he really seemed to enjoy the water. I think this is because I was in 4 1/2' and I walked around with him while his body was submerged (minus face of course). My mom passed him back and forth and he just laid back with his eyes closed. I am pretty certain he thought he was back in the womb. The third time he went in was the BEST because his Uncle Mark held him at first and he instantly fell asleep. That is right, JJ fell asleep while in the pool. And it wasn't just any ordinary pool. This pool had a Deejay playing, lots of people and noise. Jonathan was full out sleeping, mouth open, heaving breathing and all. When Mark passed him back to me for me to hold him he didn't even wake up! I think it's safe to say that he is a water baby. Now I must disclose that both of these pools were heated, so we shall see how he reacts to non-heated pools.
It was so great to have family time for 2 weeks. I was so upset and sad when we had to leave that I cried like a big baby to my Mom. I just wish we could always be with them and see them every day. JJ's Pop (Vince) even shed some tears as well, he didn't want to see us go. Ok, I lied, he didn't want to see JJ go.
JJ is proving to be such a sweet, happy, pleasant baby. He laughs, giggles, coo's, talks and now SCREAMS! My mom, who is notorious for her infamous scream was doing her scream with JJ all week and now he won't stop! At one point I had to leave the room today because the noise was hurting my ears!!!
Oh, a family friend, Kitty, threw a BBQ in JJ's honor. How cool is that?? This 4 month old is more popular then I will ever be :)
Here are some pictures of our 2 week vacation. I'd love to write more, but I have piles and piles of laundry to wash, mail to go through and a house to clean.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
And they said I wouldn't last long...
JJ decided pretty much from day one he'd rather eat from a bottle then from me, so I have been pumping my milk and storing it. I have been pumping since day one and the child has NOT had a single ounce of formula. I just have to throw out there how PROUD of myself I am. It's hard work, time consuming, sometimes frustrating and annoying, but totally worth it.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Ok, what's new this week?
JJ is showing signs of teething, he is sleeping 8 hours straight, eating and going back down for another 2-3 hours (WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO). He is starting to LAUGH, he is able to bat at his rattle to make it spin around. He is VERY serious when he does this. I must get it on video camera because the concentration and focus is hilarious. He is so much more aware of his surroundings and is truly showing his personality. I say he is going to be very chill and laid-back like daddy, but a blabber mouth like his mommy.
Ok buddy, you have been changing a lot lately. Why don't you take a break, slow down and let me enjoy this. You are growing so fast. I love you.
The most amazing grandmother in the world!
Dear JJ,
Some day you will read this blog/electronic journal and there is something I want you to know (although I am sure you know this by now). Your Grandmom loves you so much. She loves you more than anyone else in this entire world. Right now you are only a little over 3 months old and your Grandmom has done so much for you. From painting and decorating your nursery, to putting your crib together, to buying you 90% of your clothes, but most importantly, loving you as much as Mommy and Daddy do. One day you will be a parent and experience the immense love for your child(ren), but I want you to know that she loves you just as though you were her own child.
I always have known how lucky I am to have the most selfless, giving, and loving mother in the entire world; and now you have her as your Grandmom. I am pretty sure these pictures say it all.

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