Friday, June 25, 2010

New things to do!

This past week or so, Jonathan has been doing new things that to most of you, may not be a big deal, but to me, it's maj! Things that Jonathan Jr. has been doing this week:

1. He now grabs on to my shirt when he eats and he just holds on tight. I find this terribly sweet and adorable.

2. He is getting much better with lifting his head during tummy time. Tummy time is NOT his favorite thing to do, but as long as I let him do a little bit throughout the day and then Daddy and I have him work on it during the evening, I am sure he'll be lifting the head that ate MD, DE and PA in no time.

3. He most definitely follows me when I walk around the room, he will twist his body, turn his head and look around for me (or Daddy).

4. He LOVES to be "naked nakedz" as I like to call it. And when the opportunity arises he shakes what his mama gave him.

5. His hair is changing from brown to platinum blond and I'm pretty certain his eyes will stay blue. He will be a blond bombshell, just like his mama.

6. He "chatted" with his Grandma the other night. I held the laptop up above his face so he could look up at her face (via Skype) and while she was talking to him he was talking back, staring directly at her face. Thank God for Skype.

7. This may sound silly, but for a month now I have been teaching him his ABC's and his vowels. When he gets fussy, singing the ABC's immediately soothes him and when I say A, E, I, O, UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU he mimics me and tries to repeat it back. Seriously. No joke. Ask Jonathan he has witnessed it many of times. The child, at 3 months old is trying to say his vowels.

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