Wow, I can't believe it has been almost 3 months since I've updated our blog. I guess that means we must have had a really fun summer :)
Within the past few weeks, JJ has had a major word explosion, saying 1-3 new words a day. Todays new words were pizza and tortilla! Awesome, right? Jonathan Jr. is adorable as ever. He is becoming much more independent, testing Mommy and Daddy's patience. Saying "no", shaking his head no and pretty much doing whatever he wants to do. It is taking a lot for me to stay calm and just deal, but that is mostly because we are expecting another little one and the exhaustion and all day nausea has me out of it a bit.
Anyways, back to JJ. We've had so much fun this summer. Play dates, two weeks at Wildwood with Grandmom, Pop Pop and GG. Trips to the mall, playgrounds, creamery, petting zoo, lake and so much more. JJ's new BFF's are Marco and Nico. They are super, super adorable together and pretty much have a brother-type relationship.
We are currently trying to figure out what this random lump on JJ's right shin is. I took him a few days ago for an x-ray, which came back completley "clean" and "negative". They then did an ultrasound which didn't really give us any answers. They were able to confirm that it isn't a cyst, but because of the size (super small) and location of the lump, not much was showing on the ultrasound. The tech said that the doctor may say we need to get an MRI or just let it be for a bit and see what happens. Since his x-ray came back fine, we can relax and not worry so much and just see what happens.
Ok, so back to JJ becoming a big brother. My due date is March 23, 2012 and I'll likely have my c-section scheduled for March 16th, which puts me at 39 weeks. The downside to this is I will be in the hospital for JJ's 2nd birthday :( The plan now is to have a party a few weeks before his birthday and since he is so little, he won't know I am actually not there for his actual birthday. The plus side is he will gain a brother or sister for his second birthday. How cool is THAT?
We have an exciting week coming up. Tomorrow we are going to hit the fair with Jenny, Marco and Nico. Saturday we are going back to the fair with Daddy. Sunday we leave for the Outerbanks (Corolla, NC) and staying for the week. Maggie is getting married so we will have a week to spend with friends and hang out on the beach-- we are REALLY looking forward to a vacation :)
I promise I will try and update much more often, about specific fun events and new updates.